
Friday 4 July 2014

Finally! An almost perfect cream coloured polish.

I'm interrupting my brief hiatus (if you can interrupt an interruption) from blogging to show you this cream polish I've bought recently and love.  Regular readers may remember that I have been on a quest to find the perfect cream coloured polish for some time now and never quite managed it, but now I think I might finally have got close.
The polish is a Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine, one of the new releases, Coconut.

The formula wasn't brilliant, I found it a bit streaky and it needed 3 coats to get it looking perfect but all was forgiven one I saw the colour of the dried polish, could it finally be the holy grail cream polish I have been hunting for?!!
It's maybe more of an off white or ivory than a true cream but it's close to what I have been picturing in my head so whatever colour it is, I like it!

It's lovely on it's own; a really fresh, crisp neutral of a colour and it's also great as a base for nail art or stamping, you can see my very speedy stamping attempt over it below.
I don't think I'll ever give up my mission to hunt down the perfect cream shade of polish, which currently seems to exist only in my head, but in the meantime Coconut is a worthy contender for the top spot.  Well done Barry M, you've made a cream obsessed nail blogger very happy.


  1. Hello! Hope you are well.

    I nearly picked this up in Superdrug the other day, but I put it back and bought a few mattes instead! :-|

  2. I am well, thank you. :)

    It's a really lovely shde, well I think so since it has crushed a lemming for me. :D
