
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Blogging Break

As you may have noticed I haven't been about for the last few days, I've decided to take a bit of a break as I was finding the commitment of posting every  couple of days was getting in the way of real life and taking up a bit too much of my time.  I don't intend to give up entirely but for the moment I have too much on to commit myself to the blog in the way that's needed to post regularly.


  1. I wondered what had happened to you!

    It is quite demanding really and I can understand why a lot of people chuck it.

    Take it easy and I'll see your posts when you are about :-)

    1. Aww, it's sweet of you to notice. :)

      I doubt I'll give up totally, I think I just need a bit of a rest for a while.

  2. Just had a little hurrah moment as I am feeling same glad to know I am not alone!

  3. You're not! It is just feeling like a lot of work at the moment for very little reward.

    1. I decided to take a day or two away, but so far haven't actually written a blog post for four weeks, I left the ones I had to post every other day and haven't touched blogger since. Thought I might be reinspired by now, but seems not....

    2. You and me both, there must be something in the water. ;)
