
Friday 14 September 2012

Kiko Lavish Oriental - 401 - Holographic Blue

I'm in Spain just now visiting my parents, the other day I made my usual pilgrimage to the local Kiko store to see what they had on offer.  As well as having all their regular polishes reduced to 1,50euro they also had the new summer collection, Lavish Oriental, which features 4 holographic nail polishes.  Today's post features one of them, number 401, which is a light turquoise blue polish.

Somehow I have managed to pick the only cloudy day in Spain this year to try and get pictures of my manicure so they are not showing up quite as blingy as they should.

The best thing about this polish, aside from it's ease of application - not something which can always be said about holographic polishes, is how good it looks in low light, some holographic polishes are really dull unless they're under a very bright light or direct sunshine but even in regular lighting 401 is pretty.

Out in direct sunlight it really comes into it's own, although not the blingiest of holos I've ever tried it really holds it's own and is very eye catching in the sun.

Good news for back home, where there is even less sun than there is in Spain today, is that under bright lamp light this polish also really sparkles.

Application is great, this is two coats and both went on smoothly with very little drag.  I didn't use a special base coat as I tend to for other holos I own and it doesn't seem to have made much difference which is great as holographic polish is notoriously hard to apply.  Another benefit is that top coat doesn't seem to dull the shine or holographic properties at all so you can apply your usual top coat over the polish ad not worry about dulling it's sparkle.

Overall, I am really pleased with this polish; it's easy to apply, takes to a topcoat well and looks lovely not only in direct sunlight but under indoor lighting and even in fairly dull environments.  Another winner from my favourite brand Kiko!  I have two more form the collection to try so look out for more posts featuring them very soon.

Now, back out onto the roof terrace with my G&T!


  1. So pretty! Kiko polishes never disappoint :-)

  2. Okay thats it I a going to have to buy these it is stunning!

    1. You should, I'm so impressed with them, they last really well too which I wasn't expecting at all.

  3. I have all four holos in my untried pile, must rectify that this week! Looks really lovely on your nails

    1. Thank you! Definitely try yours out, I was very pleasantly surprised at how good they are.

  4. I need to get to the Kiko shop! I love holos - A really good find was Hits holo top coat 'Hefesto' as you can put it on any colour and transform it into a strong holo. It does slightly 'grey' the colour of the underlying polish, but its soooo pretty. Not good for driving in the sun as its very distracting! xx

    1. I need to check that one out, I've seen swatches of some of the Hits ones but not Hefesto.
