
Thursday 13 September 2012

Accent Owl!

I borrowed the idea for this polish from this blog, although I took the easy route and just did one owl as an accent nail.  I also used some ring reinforcers (the little circles you use to stop punched paper ripping out of A4 binders) to give me a guide at my cuticle and shape the owls ears rather than try and freehand it. 
A lovely friend sent me a packet she picked up in Tesco for a mere 23p so if you need some make that your first stop for a bargain purchase.  As well as making owl ears they are great for using as tip guides for french manicures and for marking off the half moon shape at the cuticle for half moon manicures too.
On to my owl, he's not the most owl-y owl I've seen but I don't think he's too bad.  My boyfriend commented on his blue hat which I had to point out was not a blue hat but the background colour / sky but other than the hat I think he turned out ok.
If I do this again I think I might do it on longer nails so there's more of a gap and I can add some stars or something and make it obvious there is sky behind him rather than a hat on his head.  And, although I'd like to have done a different coloured owl on every finger, I found it quite time consuming and a bit of a struggle with my shaky hands and limited artistic skills so I doubt I'll ever recreate the full manicure form the original blog post.
What do you think?  Can you tell he's an owl?  Have you done a similar manicure?


  1. Awwww this so cute, you should do a tutorial x

    1. I might do, it as pretty simple to do. I've not really done a proper tutorial yet so maybe I'll start. :)
