
Monday 14 May 2012

Sleek Ultra Matte Palette - V2 Darks

I love matte shadows and I love i-Divine palettes so when I saw that Sleek were releasing two all matte palettes I knew I had to have at least one, although I am still very tempted by the brights too.

The palette consists of 12 matte shadows in a variety of (darker) colours.

I am a big fan of Sleek shadows and in particular their palettes.  The colours in this one are great and I love the fact that all the shadows are matte, sometimes I find shimmery and glittery shadows a bit too bling for daily work wear. 

Unfortunately I am finding the formula a little difficult to work with so far.  The shadows seem to go a bit muddy if you blend them too much and being darker colours they do need blending.

I've only used the palette a couple of times so far so i am hoping it's more to do with my cack handed, rushed attempts than the quality of the product as I really like the colours and think I could get a lot of use out of the palette.

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