
Monday 14 May 2012

Cien Nail Polish Remover

While I was in Lidl recently I grabbed a bottle of Cien Nail Polish Remover, mainly because of it's special cap.  I've previously seen caps like this available on more high end remover so when I saw it on this little bottle for a bargain £1.49 I couldn't resist.

There are apparently two versions, the one I have - acetone free - and a regular one with acetone which comes in a blue liquid / bottle.  Given the choice I would have gone with the regular one containing acetone as I find non-acetone removers aren't quite as effective but they only had one option in my store.

The main draw was definitely the cap which allows you to press down on the plastic disk under the cap and soak your cotton wool pad, this means you don't have to invert the bottle and risk pouring remover everywhere.  It also means I shouldn't have any more incidents when I leave the bottle sitting somewhere with the lid off!

I'm really looking forward to trying this out and if the bottle is effective re-filling it with my own favourite brand of remover.

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