
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Models Own - Polish for Tans - Sun Hat

Another Polish for Tans shade today, this time the bright Barbie pink of Sun Hat on shorter nails.
These pictures are two coats which gives a nice bright opaque coverage.  The finish of the Polish for Tans is slightly rubbery and matte without a top coat but I like to add a layer of quick dry top coat to give them the super shiny look.

I wouldn't really class this polish as a neon, I suppose at a push you could call it a pastel neon but to me it really just looks like a bright, sugar sweet Barbie pink sort of shade.  It is lovely for summer though so although it's not a typical neon I do think it's a good pick for this time of year and will probably look great with a tan.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a pretty pink, it's the kind of pink I'd wear. You are right, not really a neon, but a Barbie pink for sure :-)
