
Saturday 1 March 2014

Rainbow Ripple

I last posted about this project back in mid November, not a huge amount has changed since then, I've just added a few more rows.  I sort of lost my crochet mojo for a little while and did absolutely nothing over the Christmas break or most of January.  I've started to get back into it a bit now so hopefully it shouldn't be too long before this blanket is close to being finished.
I'd say it's about half way through now, I've done two full rainbow repeats and I'm on to the third.  I think 4 full repeats might be enough for this blanket, although I might squeeze on a fifth depending on how much yarn I have left and how much I think it needs the extra length.

I'm pretty pleased with how it's looking although I'm still not sure about the colours, the dark stripes seem a bit out of place, I think I might have liked it better without them, although they do add a definite contrast.  I guess I'll just need to wait and see how I feel when it's finished!

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