
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Join As You Go - Granny Square Blanket

I had some yarn left over from this blanket so I started making granny squares, as you can see here, obviously I didn't manage to get the blanket finished by Christmas as I hoped in that post but I am still plugging away at it, in fact this week I decided to start joining the squares up.  There were two main reasons for this; 1. I am fed up making squares and 2. I needed to see what size the blanket would be with the ones I do have (currently 28).
I decided to use a join as you go (although I have left my joining until near the end just to be awkward) method that I first tried out on this cushion, it worked fairly well there so I thought it might be a good technique to use for a larger project and so far, so good...

I've been using this video and this web page, along with the Attic 24 post on joining as you go, although I found that a bit confusing for some reason.  I'm still not 100% sure I am doing it right but I seem to be getting there and the squares are holding together. :)

Some of my joins are a bit messy, specifically in the middle bits where 4 squares join, but I'm hoping it won't be too noticeable once they are all joined together.

Next up, a border, although before I do that I might have to make a few more squares to get it to a decent size, either way I am quite excited to see how it turns out.

1 comment:

  1. They are really good! I cant see the joining from the photographs, so hopefully your okay. :) Great post.
