
Sunday 10 November 2013

Seventeen - Celestial Pearl

Celestial Pearl is one of the Seventeen Rock Hard Couture Nail Effects, Seventeen's take on textured nail polish.  There are four in the collection, Celestial Pearl is the lightest, a creamy white shade which is quite reminiscent of pearls.

Although I love the colour of the polish I'm not very impressed overall, these pictures are three fairly thick coats, I found the polish hard to get even and well spread which is unusual for textured polishes I have tried previously and the finish was quite porridge-y looking.

Annoyingly I also had quite bad chips and tipwear before I'd even worn the polish out of the house, my index finger looked ragged around the edges only a few hours after painting.

So although I love the colour and I am generally a fan of these shimmery textured polishes I am really not keen on Celestial Pearl.  It could just be that I've been spoiled by the excellent Kiko Sugar Mats when it comes to texture polishes but I expect better than Seventeen's effort can offer.


  1. Really interesting to see your swatches and opinion on this one, I've just posted about the very similar one that Barry M do. I actually wanted this one by 17 but they were out of stock so I had to get the Barry M one instead. This one looks a lot more chunky/textured than the Barry M one! It's a shame because 'Charm Bracelet', the gold 17 one, is actually really really good, very beautiful. Hope you like that one better! X x x

    1. I'm going to look at your post right now, I love the colour of this one but it just didn't work for me so I'm wondering if I should try the Barry M version too and see if I like it better.

    2. Maybe try your Seventeen one over white, that way you need less coats so it looks less 'chunky'! Although the Barry M one is fab too, if you do buy it! X x

    3. I might give it a go over white, although any excuse to buy more polish I might just need to get the Barry M one. ;)
