
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Rimmel - Space Dust - Total Eclipse

Space Dust is Rimmel's version of textured polish, Total Eclipse is a dark grey green coloured polish which in certain lights also has a sort of duochrome effect with a purple lean to it, it's almost impossible to capture the purple in photos but it is there and you can see it in person.

The polish applied nicely, these pictures are three coats but you could probably get away with two.  The wear time was good too, I took these photos before a busy day resealing my bath and even after picking out all the old silicone sealant my nails only had tip wear and no chips.

In a darker environment with flash you can see the grey colour of the polish but in real life and most lighting the polish is a very definite green / teal shade.

Overall I'm impressed with this polish; it's pretty, wears well and is easy to apply.


  1. I picked this up in Devon a couple of weeks ago, applied it on Wednesday and wore it til the following Monday, it looked a bit worse for wear by the time I could be bothered to take it off, but it lasted pretty well. As for picking off the sealant... Tut tut jewels not tools! :P

    1. I know! I'm always saying that to people and then I ignore my own advice! :D
