
Wednesday 2 October 2013

Granny Squares.

I posted about my granny square project a couple of months back so I thought I would up date on how I am getting along.  Slowly is the answer.
I have 6 of each square now and still quite a bit of yarn left to make some more.  I'm doing these when I am not at home so progress is a bit hit and miss depending on time and enthusiasm.

I've pretty much decided that I'll join these together to make a blanket but I'm not quite sure for what purpose, it's not going to be particularly big due to a lack of yarn so it won't do as a blanket for an adult so it looks like I might have to find a small person to give it a good home.

I'm going to try and crack on with it in the hope it might turn into something finished by Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I have been making a granny blanket but mine are more square, I love your design, i think i might do it this way next time :) x
