
Monday 28 October 2013

Bunting Progress...

My bunting is coming along nicely, so far I have 7 little triangles, a few more and I think I can start to string them together, I'm planning on putting them above my fire so I shouldn't need too many of them to stretch across the hearth.
I'm really enjoying working with the cotton, it's quite a different feel to the acrylic yarn I am used to and I'm definitely tempted to order some other colour and maybe try a blanket with it at some point.

I'm not totally sure just yet how I am going to string the triangles together, I want something fairly simple but sturdy so that they bunting holds it's shape when it's hung up.
I still have a lot of ends to sew in and a few more triangles to make but so far I'm really pleased with hos this little Christmas project is coming along.

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