
Friday 16 August 2013

Holiday Time - Again!

I'm off out to Spain again, to stay with my parents, a final quick dose of sunshine before the summer finishes up.  I have posts scheduled to keep you all occupied but since I won't have the time to be posting every day replies to comments might become a bit more sporadic over the next week or so. 
However, I'll be back soon with holiday nails and any interesting beauty bargains I come across while I'm away, I have a little Kiko trip planned so I am sure there will be something to show off from that.
See you soon! xx


  1. Hmm, I wonder if you flew from Glasgow. I served a girl with the same name as you and she had the most gorgeous neon yellow nail polish on which she said she got from Spain.

    Have a nice time. Always love your Kiko hauls, shall get round to trying them one day.

    1. That was me! How funny. :-D

      I hope they distracted from the fact I had absolutely no make up on and was wearing my nerdy glasses. ;-)

      I do love Kiko, I've been and done a mini haul already.

    2. Weird! Small world. :-)

      Can't wait to see your haul.
