
Wednesday 28 August 2013

Holiday Haul!

This post should really have appeared yesterday but nevermind... I'm back and as usual I didn't return empty handed. :)  I was very good this time though and only bought a few choice bits.
First up a trip to Kiko, no Spain visit is complete without one.  I picked up 5 polishes from the regular collection (on the right here), none of them are new shades I am just filling gaps in my collection now. :)  I'm hoping the french manicure polish, second from the right, might be the perfect cream I have been hunting for. *fingers crossed*

Kiko also have a new range of quick drying nail polish so obviously I had to pick up a couple of them to try out, here is a close up of the ones I chose.

Then, because they were on offer, I picked up another couple of base coats

Next up my polish from various China Bazaar shops, there seem to be hundreds of them in the area my parents live and they stock all manner of things including cheap nail polish.  These bottles were all under a euro each.

They can be a bit hit and miss quality wise but I always like to grab a few and see what they are like, I've had some really good polishes from the various ones I've visited and at such a tiny outlay it seems rude not to.

These were a particularly cool find, they remind me so much of the nail polishes from Illamasqua's recent I'mPerfect range but at a teensy 5% of the cost.

Stay tuned to see which ones I tested out first and for pictures of all my holiday nails (which are shamefully few and far between as I was VERY lazy and hardly changed my polish at all).


  1. Love those Yes Love polishes, agree with you that they are just like the recent Illamasquas

  2. Wow amazing haul, looking forward to seeing all the swatches too!
