
Thursday 1 August 2013

Current Crochet...

I have reached a bit of a dead end with my Giant Granny Afghan - originally I wanted to use each colour 4 times making it 96 rows in total (and then probably add 4 more to round it up to 100 for number neatness) but when I started doing the 4th row in each colour I realised that I didn't have enough yarn left in most colours.

Currently the blanket is 74 rows long and pretty huge (it's on my king-sized bed here for an idea of scale) so I'm not totally sure what to do with it, leave it as it is or buy more yarn to get it up to the 100 I was aiming for?

I am beginning to wonder if maybe 100 rows is a little excessive, if it was for the bed then maybe not as the afghan doesn't currently come all the way down to the bottom of the bed or right up to the top of the pillows but it's intended for use on the sofa when watching TV and it's definitely big enough for that at the size it is currently.

At the moment the plan is to use up the leftover Stylecraft yarn doing a smaller ripple blanket (post on that coming up soon, I hope) and then see how I feel after that about ordering more of the same colours.
In other news the blanket I made for my niece's first birthday has been delivered and was very well received, she was rubbing her face on it and wearing it as a cape within minutes of seeing it, which seems to me like she likes it. :D


  1. wow!!! I am so impressed, have been trying to teach myself to crochet but not quite there yet. This loos fantastic! :)

    1. Thank you!

      My gran taught me years ago but I had forgotten most of it, then my friend showed me again and I got a hang of the basics. The most useful thing I have found is YouTube, there are so many good tutorials on there that you can watch and follow a long with, they've definitely brought my skills out! I've still got a long way to go though.
