
Tuesday 23 July 2013

Money Saver! Allura Nail Polish Remover at Poundland

You may remember a while back I posted another Money Saver about cotton wool pads from LIDL which I thought were a really good deal, well today I have another which I thought I would mention.
I go through a lot of nail varnish remover and I've used a few in my time but my favourite bargain buy has to be Allura's nail polish remover from Poundland. 
At just £1 for 400ml it's really good value and I find it great for all my varnish removal needs; it doesn't smell too strong, it's not horribly drying and it gets the job done nice and fast.

Although it's not acetone free, which I know some people prefer, I don't find it to be drying or damaging to my skin at all which plain acetone definitely is - I learned that the hard way! ;)
So, if you're in the market for a new nail varnish remover at a bargain price then you could definitely do worse than grab a bottle of this stuff as you pass Poundland, then you can use it with your bargain cotton wool pads from LIDL. :D
What remover do you use, and why?  Do you think there's a difference between the cheap brands, like this one, and the more expensive brands available?


  1. I've tried this one - it has a nice almost berry smell, but I found it a bit rubbish at removal!

    I use acetone, I get it from B&M for about 99p and it is brilliant!

    1. I used to use acetone but it wrecked my nails. :(

  2. I use cutex for full nail removal and this for clean up, this is absolutely terrible at removing a full nails worth of polish. The other remover that pound land do is really good, but super drying :(

    1. I wonder if they have changed the formula, I tried this new bottle last night and it didn't seem as good as the last bottle I had from Poundland. I'm going to give it another go tonight but if it's the same again I might need to change the post until I can work out what was going on. The stuff I had before was great but this one isn't doing the same job. :(
