
Monday 15 July 2013

Giant Granny Stripe Afghan Progress

I'm still crocheting away at my massive granny afghan project, I'm up to 48 rows now, that's every colour twice.  At the moment I am aiming for every colour 4 times, so 98 rows, although I will probably have to add on an extra two to even out the number, 98 just doesn't feel like a good number.

It's coming along nicely and it's large enough now that it cover me while I am working and keeps me cosy, not really necessary at the moment as the weather is lovely and warm!

There are still some small issues with the level of 'help' James wants to give though, he can be pretty tricky to work around. ;)

It's looking pretty good, and I have to admit when I see it all laid out like this I do wonder whether it needs to be twice the size it is now, I think I'll do another one of each colour and see how I feel then, although I don't suppose a GIANT granny afghan can ever really be too big, can it?


  1. I love seeing James with the blanket, he gives it a perfect sense of scale... especially on the last photo. And he looks adorable on the second from last one.

    1. He's quite handy as a size guide, isn't he? :D

  2. wow this looks absolutely amazing :) I would love to learn to crochet!Keep up the good work!
