
Wednesday 10 July 2013

Baby Blanket

I've finished the baby blanket I was working on, good timing since the young lady in question is 1 this month and it's to be part of her present.  I'm pleased with how it turned out, and while it's not perfect, I think it's definitely presentable enough to be given as a gift.
I like the way the colours have turned out so I am looking forward to using what's left of the yarn to make another blanket in the same shades, this time I think I might give granny sqaures a go.

I'm also pleased with how my border turned out, I wasn't following a pattern and I was worried the spacing might not be quite right but I think I've managed to pull it off, just.

I just hope the recipient and her dad like it!


  1. Very nice! I've got a flower loom in the loft. Maybe get it out in the autumn and make a crocheted flower blanket :)

    1. I just had to Google what a flower loom was, they look great though, definitely nice to add to a blanket.

  2. What is this pattern called? My Aunt showed me how to go this and I have forgotten and she has past away. Her grandaughter is having a baby and wants to learn. This looks like the pattern she taught me. Can you give instructions?
    Thank you,

  3. Hi Denise, it's a good beginner pattern as it's basically just made up of one stitch, it's a sort of variation on the traditional granny square but this pattern is called a granny stripe.

    I originally found the pattern on Attic 24 - here: but I actually started out using the tutorial on this website as I found it even simpler: the pictures lead you through it step by step which I found very handy as a beginner.

    I hope that is of some help!
