
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Kiko Sun Pearl Nail Lacquer - 427 Amable Chartreuse

You may notice a slight change in lighting conditions (and nail length) in the next few posts as they were taken while on holiday which means for once my photos are actually taken in bright sunshine rather than indoor lighting or dull Scottish 'sunlight'.
First up from my recent haul, a polish from the new Sun Pearl Limited Edition range, number 427, Amable (is that even a word?) Chartreuse which is a rather odd greeny, yellowy shade shot through with golden glitter shimmer.  I must admit I was mostly attracted to this one as it's a bit of a vile colour and I have a soft spot for shades which really don't look like they should be worn on your nails.
Once it was on I really liked it, and surprisingly it seemed to go rather well with a lot of the bright colours I was wearing while in the sun.

It's definitely not for everyone but I loved it's bright acid shade.

It's quite similar to Illamasqua Radium and Models Own Aciiid, both of which I own, so I am clearly drawn to this odd sort of green shade. :)


  1. It's also a little like a shimmery version of China Glaze Def Defying, or the OPI Shrek colour. I love these greens too.

  2. Oh my! Look at the shimmer in that! LOVE IT!

  3. Actually, "amable" IS a word, at least it is in Spanish. Here "Amable" means nice, kind or friendly ( and Chartreuse is the name of a colour between green and yellow named so because of its resemblance to the green color of one of the French liqueurs called green chartreuse ( So, that would make kind of sense, don't you think?

    1. That definitely makes sense! I got the name off the UK website so I was assuming it was in English! I actually bought it in Spain so I should have thought that it could have been in another language. :D Thanks.
