
Monday 3 June 2013

Giant Granny Afghan Progress

I thought I'd post some progress pictures of my giant granny afghan that I am currently working on, it's going better than expected and I'm finding it quite addictive.  The first few rows were a bit of a pain with all the counting and then trying to make sure I was crocheting in the chain properly but after the first row or two of granny stitch it gets much easier.
I was planning on using 20 different colours but I had some left over yarn from my last project so I decided to just add that in too, so currently there will be 24 colours in the blanket, all in a random (ish) pattern.  I'm almost at the stage where I have used each colour once, just a few more rows to go.

As per usual, the moment I lay the blanket down my glamorous assistant climbs onto it and makes a bed, which is very cute but not so great when I am trying to add to the damn thing. 

I'm pleased with how the blanket is progressing so far, it doesn't look too wonky - although my original chain was obviously a bit tighter than the rest of my work so in future I think I really need to concentrate on keeping my stitches loose to begin with so they match the length of my work at later stages rather than seeming a bit tighter, and therefor shorter.

At the moment it's looking more like a giant scarf than a blanket.  I'm a little worried about what will happen with the colours when I start to use them twice, I had intended for it to be totally random but I struggle with random so there has been some thought put into which colours to use next so far and I'm not quite sure what to do when I use the colours for a second time.

This is the blanket folded into quarters and you can see it measures around 50cm, which means fully extended it's around 2m wide.  To make it the right shape (sort of rectangular, sort of bed shaped) it'll need to be a good bit longer than that but I'm not quite sure how long, I think the amount of yarn I have may dictate the final size rather than any real planning.

I'm very proud of how it's looking so far and I've been putting quite a lot of time and effort into it, I just hope I can keep it up long enough to get it finished at some point this year!


  1. I do love your glamourous assistant. Did you sneak the last one away from him?

    1. Yes, just! I've promised him he can keep this one though which is just add well because he's obsessed with it already!

  2. I love the colour combinations, and I'm very impressed with the nice neat job you're doing!

    There is no way you're getting that one away from your assistant :D
