
Friday 31 May 2013


I fly out to Spain today to visit my parents for 10 days which means that I might not be able to blog every day as I have been doing.  I have a few posts scheduled and might even post while I am away if I have the time but there won't be a post every day as there has been.  I'd like to have had the time to schedule posts but unfortunately life got in the way a bit!
Hopefully while I am away I will pick up a few bits and peices to blog about, there will definitely be a wee trip to Kiko to complete my Sugar Mat collection and to check out the newest releases, like the Sun Pearl Nail Lacquer.
So look out for some quick updates while I am away and then some new goodies when I get back, hopefully the weather in the UK will be kind to you all while I'm off sunning myself. :)

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