
Sunday 5 May 2013

Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Blueberry

After coming home from a weekend away I needed another quick manicure for work the following day so yet again I reached for a Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine polish, this time Blueberry.

These polishes really are brilliant for quick manicures when you don't have lots of time and just want something easy to apply and opaque in two coats.

I love the colour of Blueberry, it's such a bright, clean blue shade.

Again, please excuse my middle finger's nail, it hss not quite recovered from it's run in with my razor last week...


  1. I didnt know there was a light blue gelly, it is going to have to go on my list of wants :P also its good to know it isn't just me who mangles my nails with razors.

    1. It's such a beautiful colour, I nearly didn't buy it because I mainly use the gelly polishes for stamping but I just couldn't resist the colour and I wear it loads, it's so quick to put on and looks so lovely.

      I'm glad I'm not alone in the nail shaving gang. ;)
