
Friday 15 February 2013

China Glaze - It's a Trapeze

Today I have It's a trapeze to show you, I mentioned it in this post but today I have full, proper swatches of it.  These pictures are 3 coats over a base layer of Barry M white.
I really love this polish, it has such an indie feel to it with all the different coloured glitter in the milky white jelly base. 

It applies nicely but as with most glitters it looks better dabbed on rather than painted on normally as it lets you move the glitter around a bit more. 
 It reminds me of some sort of birthday cake or the little chocolate pennies with hundreds and thousands you used to get in a 10p mix up.

Next time I think I will try it without the base colour to see just how opaque it is, if it's as pretty as it is over the white I'll be very pleased. <3 p="">

1 comment:

  1. Hehe this is such a good polish!

    It's the one I wore for Hogmanay. Party!
