
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Slatkin Candles

I have coveted the Slatkin Candles from Bath & Body works for years now, they get such amazing write ups online and are always top of people's lists as things which you have to check out when you visit the US, those things combined with my current obsession for beautifully scented products for my home mean they are very high up on my list of must have items.
Unfortunately they are almost impossible to get hold of in the UK unless you are willing to pay a huge premium for them and choose from a very limited selection.
So imagine my delight when included in a Christmas gift from my boyfriend's lovely parents were these little beauties:
4 mini Slatkins!  I was so excited when I opened them, they were a total surprise as I'd asked for some Yankee Tarts to be sent over and wasn't expecting anything else so these were a properly lovely surprise.
The four scents are Fresh Balsam, Twisted Peppermint, Frosted Cranberry and Chestnut and Clove.

Fresh Balsam is a lovely herby, pine sort of scent.  Twisted Peppermint is a sweet creamy mint scent.  Frosted Cranberry is a sharp fruity scent and Chestnut and Clove is a lovely warm spicy sort of scent.  They are all absolutely delicious and very well chosen.

So far I've only burned one, Chestnut and clove, and it's beautiful.  It's also surprisingly strong considering the size of the candle, they are only mini so the fact it can scent a whole room is pretty impressive!
Have you tried any of the Slatkin candles?  If so which ones should I look out for, any favourites?  Also, have any of you tracked down a decent UK supplier, or do I have to add them to my ever expanding list of things ti import when I win the lottery and start a 'hard to find in the UK things' shop? ;)

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