
Saturday 5 January 2013

New Helmer!

As a little Christmas gift to myself I bought another Helmer to help organise all my nail polish and supplies.  After I built it, which is surprisingly easy thankfully, I set about filling it up with some of the over spill from my original Helmer.

I had quite a lot of assistance...

I took all 12 drawers out and set about splitting up all my products.

I've previously arranged my polish by both colour and brand but now I have plenty of drawers I have decided to go back to organising by colour, so the first job was to lay out ll the polishes:

Then I put them all back into drawers.

Ideally I would have taken pictures of all the polishes to show you all but just sorting them took forever so I'll save the full collection photos for another time, for now here's a quick look at what I've put into each drawer.

In the first drawer are all the polishes which I still need to properly swatch for my swatchicles:

Next; red, orange, yellow and gold.





Nude, browns, grey, black and white:

Mixed glitters and toppers:

Stamping plates and supplies:

Removers and moisturisers:

And finally all my top coats and odd accessories and nail art stickers and supplies:

How do you store your polishes?


  1. I have only one helmer :-)

  2. I currently store mine on shelves that I made from foam boards but they are slowly taking over all my space! I've been considering a Helmer for a while now and think I definitely will after seeing how organised your stash looks! Plus they're pretty cheap considering how much storage you get :) Great post! *off to Ikea* x

    1. I would love shelves but I have neither the skill nor patience to make them and I have so many they would take over the whole wall! :D

  3. Wow, impressive storage...and your little helper is adorable:)

  4. Oh the exciting times of a new Helmer! They are such brilliant things.

    One of my cats was totally fascinated when my husband was building them for me!

    I've got mine organised by brand rather than colour. I was in Ikea last weekend and was so tempted to by another Helmer but don't really have room, so I ended up getting two Lennarts, they fit nicely on top of my Helmers.

    1. They have loads of great storage in Ikea, don't they?

  5. I've got a Helmer and organise by brand :) .

    I see you've got mats in your drawers, where did you get them from?

    1. I got a roll of anti slip stuff from Poundland which is excellent, and in the bottom of some (from before I found the Poundland stuff) I have cheap, thin door mats cut in half.

  6. <3
    I am totally nicking the new 12 drawer format for mine tomorrow! Thank youuuuu!

  7. I wish I could be this organised!

    That picture of your cat hiding is so cute!
