
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Kiko 389

An old favourite today, Kiko 389:
I love this polish, as well as being a Kiko cream shade which means I adore it for application and coverage (these pictures are two coats) 389 is also a gorgeous colour, a sort of cross between Tiffany boxes and mint green.

It's such a lovely bright, cheery colour that I just love having it on my nails, it also helps that it applies so beautifully, it's  perfect chuck it on colour for when I am in a rush.

Colours like this are why Kiko are probably my favourite polish brand ever. :)


  1. I really need to get some Kiko to play with someday. This color looks lovely!

    I nominated you for the Liebster award! congratulations :)

    1. You do, they are fab polishes, my favourite brand!

      Thank you for the nomination, I did one a while back which you can see here:
      I'm hoping to update it soon though!
