
Friday 21 December 2012

Stamped Christmas Glitter Skittles!

That title is a bit of a mouthful!  But, it is what they are.  I decided to do a festive skittle look with some of my glitters but when I was finished it looked a bit plain so I decided to jazz it up with a few stamps.  Here's the polish I used:
China Glaze - Blue Bells Ring, Nubar - Sky Sparkle, OPI - Bring on the Bling, Barry M - Blood Orange, Models Own - Scarlett Sparkle, Orly - Here comes Trouble, OPI - Crown me already, Kiko - Black and a white nail art pen for stamping. 
And these are the plates:

HD05, HD07, HD10, BM321 and BM213.
And here's how they looked:

No pictures of my thumb as my hand looks like The Claw in all the shots with it in, I stamped the sleigh from BM213 on it in black.
I quite like how these turned out but I wish they matched a bit better, they are VERY random skittles and I prefer a bit more of a theme.


  1. They look good to me!

    I've never tried stamping, must get in to it ones of these days!

  2. This is lovely! I love how each nail is different in design and colour :)
