
Friday 7 December 2012

Christmas Baubles

This is another Christmas themed manicure, and sadly another manicure which didn't turn out as I'd hoped.  I applied this in a mad rush on my way out and looking back a bit of planning might have made the difference.  The idea was for the baubles to look like they were nestled on a Christmas tree, the end result wasn't quite so pretty...
First off the plates I used; Bundle Monster 225 and Bunny Nails HD07 (two versions):
Both the Bunny Nails plates have baubles which you can layer over each other, the plain circle first and then the cut out version over the top, sadly I am not quite coordinated enough to manage it as the pictures demonstrate.  The right hand is not too bad, although it's far from my best stamping work.
The left hand looks more like some sort of Chinese decoration, I think, and the double stamping of the baubles definitely needs some work.
So, not the most successful of Christmas themed stamps so far but at least now I have a better idea of what to do next time.

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