
Friday 16 November 2012

Rimmel 615 Night Before

I'm obviously having a purple week this week, today's polish is another purple!  This time Rimmel's Night Before.  I picked this up in TJ Hughes so I'm fairly sure it's not a recent release and possibly not even available on regular Rimmel stands.
It's quite sheer, as you can see from some of the photos, and definitely needs three coats to make it fully opaque, it has a bit of a jelly look to it and in the right lights it's also a lovely duochrome.  With flash it's a deep, shimmery Cadbury's purple.
In daylight it's a deep aubergine sort of shade.
And under bright indoor lighting it's a dark purple with a pink-ish duochrome shift, a polish of many faces.
It reminds me a little of Max Factor's Fantasy Fire but without the green/gold colour shift, so I might try a coat of that over the top and see what sort of effect it has.
My one irritation with this polish is how quickly it has developed tip wear, literally overnight while I slept!  I'm not sure if this is a polish issue or a top coat issue.  I'm currently using Seche Vite a lot and although I adore the squishy, shiny, wet look finish it leaves I do feel like I am getting a lot more tip wear than I do with other top coats?  Does anyone else have an issue with that?


  1. Lovin' the purple, gorgeous colour. Haha you are right about the Cadbury's colour! I chuckled when I read that, spot on.

    I never wear a top coat and some polishes get wear tip and others don't. There doesn't seem to be a trend with brand or price with the ones I wear.

    I've never tried Seche Vite. Haha it's that famous even my husband has heard of it. If I use a top coat (twice in the last year *gasp*), I'll use either the Nubar one or the OPI one.

    1. I don't think I could survive without top coat, my polish only lasts a few hours without top coat and it takes way too long to dry. I love my quick dry top coat. <3

  2. Seche Vite is well known for sometimes shrinking nail polish. So it may not be tip wear, rather that your original nail polish has shrunk. I think that may be the case here, especially as you're noticing it happen overnight.

    1. Now you've said that I do remember people mentioning that before, I'll need to see if there is a way around it.

  3. It's the Seche Vite, I think. I bought some and although it's excellent being able to go to bed as soon as your nails are done, the tip wear is shocking.

    1. Annoying, I love the shine on the SV but I hate the tip wear / shrinkage, most annoying!
