
Wednesday 10 October 2012

No7 Stay Perfect Top Coat Comparison

As I mentioned previously No7 have recently re-packaged a lot of their products, including their quick drying top coat which is one of my favourites and a definite staple in my collection. 
I've always identified the top coat as 'the one that says touch dry in 60 seconds on the front' and the new bottle doesn't have this so I was keen to pick up the new bottle and check if it was the same product inside or whether there had been a cheeky change of formula too.  After a lovely friend sent me her spare No7 voucher, I decided to pick up a bottle and test it out.
Here are the two bottles, side by side:
Left: New Bottle, Right: Old Bottle
The new bottle does still have 'touch dry in 60 seconds' on it, it's just been moved to the back of the bottle.  The bottles are a similar shape and the same size (10ml), the only major change, other than shifting some of the text around, is that the new cap is white rather than black.
The brushes are also very similar, the newer style looks a tiny bit more rounded and possibly slightly plumper but there was no difference in how the top coat applied using the new brush.
Left: New Brush, Right: Old Brush
Formula wise I would say this is the same top coat formula, I've used it a couple of times now and really can't see a difference in application, drying time or wear.  It seems like it's purely a new bottle from No7 to fit in with their re-branding. 

The only difference I noticed was that the new bottle seemed to be a very slightly runnier consistency, however that could be due to it being brand new and me comparing it with an older bottle that I had been using a while which has no doubt thickened up a bit with use.  There really was no difference once it was applied to the nail and I suspect with time it will also thicken up a bit like it's predecessor.
So, excellent news for me and anyone else who was a fan of the top coat in it's previous incarnation it looks like the formula is just as it was, No7 obviously know not to mess with an already winning formula.


  1. I used this top coat before and actually really liked it, I'm so silly but I don't buy no7 anymore as they don't fit in my nail polish box! So so silly. It is an amazing top coat though!

    Jazz x

    1. I have sillier reasons for not buying things. :D maybe the solution is to get another box, then you'll have to fill it up. ;)

  2. Never even thought about using this brand for a top coat and they are all £5 now so i may have to try it out , great post!

    1. I only tried it initially because I have one of the vouchers but it's actually really good, well worth a try.
