
Thursday 27 September 2012

Stamping with Barry M Gelly Hi Shine Nail Paint

Oh my goodness!  When I picked these up yesterday I was hoping they would stamp well but once I actually tried them out I was utterly delighted, they don't stamp well, they stamp BRILLIANTLY!  Technically I wasn't planning on posting about them on my blog today but I am so pleased with the results I just had to share! 
I decided to so a sort of skittle stamp so that I could use each of the colours at least once and I used Cheeky plate CH44 to stamp with, but I got over excited and didn't take a photo of the plate, it's another cracker with lots of lovely floral designs on it.
Now, on to the important bit, I think the photos speak for themselves here but I will add that every one of these stamps was my first attempt, the polish applies on the plate perfectly, was easy to scrape off, easy to pick up (I used my XL Stamper) and then printed onto the nail beautifully clearly and most importantly totally opaque.
Blue Plum, Pomegranate, Watermelon, Satsuma, Blackberry
Grapefruit, Blackberry, Blue Plum, Satsuma
Pomegranate, Watermelon, Satsuma, Blackberry
Grapefruit, Blackberry, Blue Plum, Satsuma
Pomegranate, Watermelon, Satsuma, Blackberry
Grapefruit, Blackberry, Blue Plum, Satsuma
Blackberry, Satsuma, Watermelon, Pomegranate
I am so delighted with these, to have 6 gorgeous cream colours in my collection to stamp with is just fantastic, often I feel I'm a bit tied into stamping in metallic shades which are pretty but can start to look same-y, no such problem now!
If you love stamping then I urge you to go out and try a couple of these, at least, they are a great addition to anyone's stamping polish collection.  Another total winner from Barry M, they are seriously raising the bar for drugstore polishes in the UK at the moment!


  1. Replies
    1. I know, I can't believe they worked so well!

  2. wow not only does this look fabulous, i'd have never guessed for a second that they would stamp!! winner, thank you x

    1. I was hopeful when I first saw them but I didn't think they'd work this well!

  3. I sense a visit to Boots / Superdrug is called for this weekend...

  4. i love those colours, i know exactly where i'm going to go today and buy :-)

    1. There will be a stampede to Boots and Superdrug this weekend. :)

  5. Do they show up over darker colours? I think Barry M has a direct debt to my bank sometimes lol x

    1. I haven't had a chance to try them over other colours yet, I would guess that grapefruit might be better over lighter shades as it's quite pale but I reckon Blue Plum, Watermelon & Blackbery will show over most as they are pretty dark and Pomegranate and Satsuma are quite dark too. I should do another test really. :D

  6. .....I may have ordered these polishes today because of you! This is such a fab review! love it!


    1. I'm chuffed to have influenced the stamping queen's purchases, can't wait to see what you come up with using them! xx

  7. I was at work today secretly googling nail bloggs and i came across your blogg and i just wanted to say you have a wonderful blogg just the type i like to read i too am a nail polish obsessive and i have tried the barry m gellys to stamp with as i do with most new polishes i was so pleased they worked :)

  8. Thank you! I too secretly read blogs during work time. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed the post. :)
