
Saturday 22 September 2012

Kiko Lavish Oriental - 399 - Holographic Champagne

While I was away I made the most of the glorious sunshine to try out another of the gorgeous holographic polishes from Kiko's Lavish Oriental collection, this one is 399, a sort of neutral champagne shade.  Like the previous blue holographic from the collection which I blogged about this polish is just gorgeous, so holographic and shiny in the sun and beautiful and glowing in lower lights too.

In the sunlight it really is fantastic!

Application with this polish was great again just like with the blue.  I am so impressed with this collection; holographic polishes are notoriously hard to apply and often don't last well either, especially since the majority don't take well to topcoats, but Kiko have somehow solved all three issues, this polish applies nicely, lasts fantastically (I got 5 days out of both of these when I wore them) and isn't dulled by a topcoat. All in I can't recommend these highly enough, so grab a few while they're still in stock!

I wore this polish home, and just to confirm it's status as a truly fantastic holographic polish here it is under indoor lighting back in rainy and drab Glasgow, still looking lovely.  Definitely another winner from Kiko!


  1. I got this collex and you're right, they suffer well under topcoats. I found that the wear time was appalling though and while the formula on three was fine, Champagne was thick and gloopy. Strange how they change from bottle to bottle.

    1. Interesting, I found wear pretty good, I had this colour on for about 5 days with only minimal tip wear which is much better than the OMG ones I have from China Glaze.

      I did find the formula on this one a touch gloopy but I thought it was the Spanish heat making it worse, I'll need to try it again now I'm back in cooler Scotland and see if it's any better.
