
Thursday 20 September 2012

How to make coming home a little more bearable...

Hello!  I'm back from holiday and ready to get back into the swing of blogging properly again, I was terrible remiss while I was away for a number of reasons, the main one being I found it far to hard to tear myself away from the lovely weather and good company to spend my time indoors blogging. :)  Hopefully things will be back on track now though!

Somewhat unintentionally I managed to arrive home to not one but three parcels waiting for me which definitely softened the blow of returning to cold and damp Glasgow from sunny, warm Spain.

Inside were items which will no doubt make up a good portion of my blog posts over the coming week or so, along with a few goodies I picked up on my Spanish travels. 
So, over the next few posts you can look forward to some glow in the dark nail polish, more Kiko goodies, a few Body Shop bargains, a Cheeky delivery, a brand new face product and hopefully, with all these new goodies, a few decent manicures!

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