
Sunday 30 September 2012

Glow in the Dark Nail Polish!

I saw this polish on Lucy's Stash recently and decided to order a few from Born Pretty to try them out.  I also found a couple of great photos which led me to Ducky's blog, I love pretty colours and to a post on The Polished Perfectionist all showing the polish glowing pretty strongly.
I've wanted to try a glow in the dark polish for some time now and these ones seemed both decent quality and an alright price so I went ahead and ordered 3 of them.  Here's what I chose, 02 a pale green shade, 05 a neon orange and 12 a shocking pink.

I tired 02 last night and was really pleased with the results, the polish isn't great to apply, it's quite thick and takes ages to dry and it smells very strong, I would hazard a guess this is not a 3 free product!  However, with a little patience and a couple of coats over a base of Barry M white polish I managed to get a look I was quite happy with.
As you can see, over a base coat the glow in the dark polish left my nails a very pale, mint green shade.  Nothing particularly special in itself but also not horrible and perfectly wearable.  The real test was when I turned out the lights, would the polish glow brightly?  The answer is YES!  I was really pleased with how bright and clear the glow from my nails was when I went to bed that evening and I couldn't wait to try taking a few pictures to show it off.
Unfortunately my phone does not take good dark pictures and these attempts are pathetic to say the least, you'll see now why I linked the three lovely blogs at the beginning who can take pictures properly!  Next time I'll have a go with my proper camera and a different shutter speed but for now these two grainy attempts are your lot:
Although the pictures are awful I can assure you that this polish really does glow in the dark, even my partner commented on it and said how he was surprised at just how well it worked.  I can't wait to try out the other two and I will definitely be using one of these polishes at Halloween to create a spooky manicure effect.
Have you tried glow in the dark polish before?  What do you think?

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