
Saturday 18 August 2012 - Order & Review

I thought since I had included my review of the rather poor service and pricing I got from Busy Bee Candles I should also include one for a similar order I placed with

For a start, the pricing was much better.  I made a slightly larger order this time (20 tarts / £23.29) which meant that each tart worked out at £1.16 each, including P&P, far better than Busy Bees £1.30 per tart including P&P AFTER a 20% discount.

I placed the order at around 3pm on Monday afternoon, received an email to say it had been dispatched late Tuesday afternoon and the parcel was with me in Wednesday morning's post which I was really pleased with, super fast delivery.

The packaging was, again, not what I expected.  It too arrived in a padded envelope and bubble wrap rather than a box, this time however the tarts were wrapped snugly and all of them arrived in one piece with no breaks or bashes.

I ordered a 10 pack of Vineyard tarts, a fragrance I had previously had in a sampler candle and loved, they smell exactly like grape candy from America; 2 True Rose, another scent I have had previously and loved, these ones smell exactly like roses still on the bush, and a selection of other tarts I had either smelled in store previously or really liked the sound of.  The smell from the envelope when I opened it was heavenly, not a hint of synthetic horribleness just fresh, fruity deliciousness. 

Based on previous experience of Yankee Candle tarts I can't wait to burn these, any I have had before have had lovely strong fragrances which I can burn for at least 2 evenings before having to change them.  The whole flat ends up beautifully scented and still smells great the following morning.

So, all in, a much better, cheaper, quicker shopping experience and one I will definitely be repeating in future.

My only complaint, which is directed at Yankee Candles and not is that I am desperate to try some of the US scents and they're not all available in the UK, I've made a list though and plan to track them down somehow, particularly Coconut Bay and Fresh Mint since I really want a proper wild garden mint smell and a real, non synthetic, coconut fragrance.

Here's my current US wishlist:

Let's hope Yankee UK starts importing them soon or I am going to have to find a tart mule to smuggle them into the country for me!

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