
Friday 18 May 2012

No7 Poppy King Lip Crayon - Raindrops Collection (Singing, Dancing & Playing)

I seem to be utterly obsessed with buying lip products at the moment.  The Poppy King Lip Crayons for No7 are the latest thing to be added to my collection.

Previously I purchased some Stila Lip Glaze Sticks as I liked the idea of a lip gloss in pencil form, unfortunately I never really got much wear out of them as I found them too sheer and, more annoyingly, very glittery.  I am really not a fan of glitter on my lips and the Stila version has glitter through pretty much every colour.

So, when I saw the No7 versions, which looked a lot more glitter free, I decided to give them a try.  I almost picked them up on Tuesday but decided to hold off as I was sure we must be due another £5 No7 voucher soon, and I was right, I went back in yesterday and, not only were the £5 off No7 vouchers back on, it's 3 for 2 on No7 too.  So I bagged three of the Lip Crayons for £18!

I chose Singing, Dancing and Playing (although I am very tempted to go back for the other 2).  Singing is a bright fuchsia leaning pink, Dancing is a more subtle pink shade and Playing is a peachy coral.  All three colours I have are lovely and very wearable.

The Lip Crayons feel great on, they're pretty long lasting and non sticky.  Although you can feel them on your lips they are not annoying and feel nice and light.  They have quite a high end feel to them, as they should retailing at £11.50 each, and I was pleasantly surprised at the length of time they lasted on my lips - longer than the Rouge Caresse lipsticks I have been wearing a lot lately.

They also appear to have a slight staining effect so even once the more obvious glossy colour has worn off you are left with a tint to your lips which I rather like, it prolongs the wear and makes them feel more practical than something like the Stila Lip Glaze Sticks which disappeared in a matter of minutes leaving only sharp glitter behind.

One slight downside to the Lip Crayons is that they seem rather soft, especially when warm, Playing's tip broke / got very smooshed as soon as I tested it after getting it back from Boots and I wasn't particularly rough with it.  This may be in part due to them having been stored under the hot lights in store, it remains to be seen I they behave better out and about.

I love that there is a sharpener included in the cap of each pencil, another downside of my Stila Glazes was that you had to carry a sharpener with you if you were going to be topping up your lips during the day.  With the Poppy King Crayons you simply use the lid of the pencil to sharpen them, so handy!

The sharpener is covered by a lid so won't catch on anything in your make up bag or leave product over everything else, this is definitely a huge bonus with these Crayons.

I am really pleased with the Lip Crayons, enough to be considering going back in to buy the other two colours very soon, however, the chances of me paying £11.50 for one is slim. 

That seems to be the case with almost all No7 products I have tried.  I love their quick dry top coat and nail varnishes but I would never pay £7 for them which means that all my No7 purchases happen during the £5 off voucher offers.  I know a lot of people are the same and I'm also sure No7 are aware of this, I'd love to see the leap in their sales figure when the vouchers come out, I bet it's substantial!

I'll leave you with a final couple of (bad, must get a decent camera) photos.

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