
Saturday 14 April 2012

Why I'll never buy Ciate Caviar Kits.

Ciate have recently launched their Caviar Manicure sets, I mentioned them here, they retail at £18 for a bottle of polish and a bottle of the beads.  In my previous post I wrote that I had bought some of the little fish egg style beads on eBay and was going to try out the manicure for myself for a fraction of the cost of Ciate's kit.

While researching other similar manicures I came across this post on Pretty Digits blog, Ciate have been in touch with a number of bloggers to tell them not to use the term 'Caviar Manicure' or 'Caviar Nails' as it's in the process of being trademarked.  Nice move Ciate, now you not only look like you're massively overcharging your customers for a product which is readily avaliable elswehere to anyone who bothers to look you're also keen to build up a load of bad publicity by contacting any blogger who uses a term you don't even have copyright for yet? 

Even if you ignore the fact that these types of manicures have been about for a while before Ciate's kit came on the market it just doesn't seem to make sense to contact bloggers, surely it's obvious it's only going to generate negative publicity for the company?

So, in short, rather than be ripped off by a company who are not very nice to bloggers - who are also their customers - I'll stick with my cheapo eBay alternative for a fraction of the cost. For anyone considering trying this look I would urge you not to give Ciate your hard earned cash, just use a bottle of your regular polish and some beads from eBay, I got mine here.  They arrived fast, well packaged and in a great selection of colours, for £1.20.

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