
Friday 28 January 2011

Frostbitten Katy Perry

Despite promising myself I was going to buy NO nail polish until March (a trip to Spain to pillage Kiko & Sephora is planned) I couldn't resist the new OPI Katy Perry Collection. There are 4 colours and the black shatter top coat, I wasn't too keen on the plummy red and I already have the much cheaper but exactly the same Barry M crackle top coat so I left those two and grabbed the three I was keen on:

Today's nails are China Glaze Frostbite with the blue glitter over the top, they're even more vivid and in your face in real life and I love them! Although the macro shots of my cuticles do suggest it's about time to give myself a proper manicure!

This blurred shot shows the glitter up a little better:

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