
Friday 20 November 2009


I know I post a lot about eyes and eye make up, specifically because it's my area of interest and what excites me most in terms of make up, but I do use other products as well, so this post, and possibly the next few, talks about face products instead.

I currently don't wear foundation, for a number of reasons, the main ones being it never seems to stay on and by half way through the day it's sliding all over my face, I hate that over made up, orange look which is very easy to stray into if you are even a shade out in your colouring and I've never really found anything that cover well without doing one of the previous two.

What I do use on my face is my number one top wonder product, Revlon Skinlights.

I have been using it for years, around 15 years actually which is scary, and although it doesn't seem to be available in most UK shops now it's totally worth tracking down online.

It gives a really nice natural glow to the skin and kind of wakens your face up a bit, but is still light enough to not look like a full coverage foundation while diverting attention from small blemishes and uneven skin tone.

Generally I just stick on some Skinlights and powder over the top, but, it can also be used after you've applied foundation and powder as a highlighter, like a cheaper version of Benefit's Highbeam.

When Skinlights were available in UK shops they retailed at around £9.99, however, since I've started sourcing them online you can pick them up for a good deal cheaper than that, in fact last time I think I got 3 for £12 off eBay, so it's worth searching around.

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