
Wednesday 28 October 2009

Famous last words

I popped into Superdrug today, to check if the new Sleek stand was in, one of the SAs told me last week they were expecting a new one, and see if I could have a closer look at the Sunset iDivine palette. Sadly, no new stand and no Sunset.

However! They did have one Graphite palette randomly sitting in with the other mainstay palettes, so I had to have a quick look, for research purposes obviously, since I wasn't intending on buying Graphite, the colours appearing to not really be my kind of thing in the online shots I'd seen, needless to say, despite the fact I am not a big grey fan, I had to have it.

There are several grey tones and another black which I probably won't use that much, however what really sold me on it was the fact that it incorporates 3 stunning purple blue shades and has two nice light colours too.

It was really hard to get them to show up in photos for some reason, I suspect my camera is misbehaving, but the photo will give you a rough idea:

There is a grey blue with an obvious holographic sparkle, which should be fairly wow once it's on, a purple with sparkle and a slightly less sparkly blue purple which looks a bit like the colour of a Dairy milk wrapper to me, along with a pure, sparkly white and a gorgeous chiffon pink shade.

So despite the fact there are 4 very similar greys which I don't think I'll get much use out of, for under £5 I couldn't leave it on the shelf.

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