
Wednesday 28 October 2009

Graphite FOTD

A couple of eye looks with my new Graphite palette from Sleek, decent photos of a siler grey effort:

And smudgy, blurred ones of a more purple shade:

Famous last words

I popped into Superdrug today, to check if the new Sleek stand was in, one of the SAs told me last week they were expecting a new one, and see if I could have a closer look at the Sunset iDivine palette. Sadly, no new stand and no Sunset.

However! They did have one Graphite palette randomly sitting in with the other mainstay palettes, so I had to have a quick look, for research purposes obviously, since I wasn't intending on buying Graphite, the colours appearing to not really be my kind of thing in the online shots I'd seen, needless to say, despite the fact I am not a big grey fan, I had to have it.

There are several grey tones and another black which I probably won't use that much, however what really sold me on it was the fact that it incorporates 3 stunning purple blue shades and has two nice light colours too.

It was really hard to get them to show up in photos for some reason, I suspect my camera is misbehaving, but the photo will give you a rough idea:

There is a grey blue with an obvious holographic sparkle, which should be fairly wow once it's on, a purple with sparkle and a slightly less sparkly blue purple which looks a bit like the colour of a Dairy milk wrapper to me, along with a pure, sparkly white and a gorgeous chiffon pink shade.

So despite the fact there are 4 very similar greys which I don't think I'll get much use out of, for under £5 I couldn't leave it on the shelf.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

More iDivine palettes!

Yes, more!

Two in fact, a new mainstay, Sunset and a new limited edition Graphite, both should be in shops round about now (Graphite launches the 28th October, I'm not too sure about Sunset, I think it should be out right now though).

I want to see them in person before I decide whether I really need them both, I'm not great at smokey eyes and don't tend to wear much dark grey or black - I'd rather use navy or a dark forest green or brown to do my dark smokey looks - so I'm not sure how much use I would make out of the Graphite, it does look fantastic if that's your sort of look though.

Sunset looks, for me, more adaptable, lots of lovely bronzey colours and a couple of brights too, so I think I will probably be adding it to my collection.

The lighter colours look particularly gorgeous!

So, more goodies to look out for soon.

Monday 26 October 2009


And more talk of Sleek palettes, are you rolling your eyes at my obsession yet?

I was playing about the other day and realised that the pinky colours in their palettes mixed with a little clear gloss make really nice lip colours, if you can ignore the giant porny lip pictures demonstrating the colours:

Have a try, I bet some of the new reds from the soon to be released Sunset palette will work really well.

Everyday eyes

Here are a collection of my recent eye looks, for no reason other than I have taken the photos and feel like I should do something with them. Excuse the varying quality of the pictures, and brows!

Blue / Orange from Sleek's Neon palette:

Pink / purple from Sleek's Neon palette:

Green / yellow:

UD Stash liner and Stash alike shadow from the Sleek Curious palette:



Teal UD liner:

Dark greeny:

More purple:

I am currently looking into new ways to distribute the colour on my lids, or shade differently, I feel like no matter what colours I use I am always putting them in exactly the same place and blending them in a similar way, although it can look different with the very bright obvious colours, I feel like every look is very samey and I'd like to try new things. Sadly, I'm not finding much out there online, so if you have any suggestions, leave a comment below and I'll take a look.

New Neon!

Finally, I got my grubby mitts on an iDivine Neon palette, and I am not disappointed. The one small drawback is that the colours are so vivid and bright they are probably not ideal for work, so I might need to limit some of them to weekend wear, or make sure I at least tie them in with my outfit for the day and don't clash too badly.

Anyway, here are a couple of tries I had over the weekend, one with the pinks and purples and another with the blues and a hint of orange, I don't think they turned out too scary and a couple of people commented in a positive way, which was nice. Ignore my wonky face and look at the make up!

I have some more close up eye shots which I will post at some point.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Urban Decay 24/7 - New Sets

More exciting news!

Urban Decay have released more 24/7 liner sets, the most exciting looks to be 24/7 Super Stash, which is described as such on the UD site:

Urban Decay say: You asked for more! This set includes NINE mini-sized 24/7 Eye Pencils, including FOUR shades exclusive to this set: Corrupt (brown sparkle), Binge (navy – finally!), Eldorado (a new gold), and Oil Slick (black sparkle). Also included are your favourites Zero, Graffiti, Ransom, Rockstar and Stash.

I saw it in Boots at lunch, and it does look fantastic, the only downside being a lot of the colours are regular shades I have and the exclusive shades are quite similar, a quick run down:

Corrupt seemed pretty similar to Bourbon, possibly a touch darker.
Eldorado didn't look too different to the other golds available; Baked, Honey and Lucky (though Lucky is more of a copper shade). Eldorado may be more of a yellow gold, but it’s hard to tell without being able to try the pencil.
Oil slick looked nice and lighter than Zero which is their black black. It’s definitely much darker than Gunmetal.
Binge, the navy one looks fabulous, really lovely colour and irritatingly just what I am looking for. The question is do I hold off in the hope they release a full sized pencil or buy the kit to make sure I have one!

The set is only £18, in Boots, and the colours are brilliant, definitely a good one for people who want to try a few different pencils, there are a lot of good ones included.

They also have two more smaller sets, which I didn't see in person, they are on the US site though so I expect they'll come over here:


Mildew in this set, the exclusive one, looks like it could be lovely; a darker and more true green and probably a bit less in your face than Graffiti.


The exclusive plum, Crash, in this one looks very close to the plum ones they already have 1999 and Lust.

Both of the smaller sets also have a glitter liquid liner in, which are great for a more sparkly party look.

So, in conclusion, more lovely goodies from UD and definitely something to be added to the Christmas list, if you, unlike me, you can wait that long!